Unless otherwise noted, the data in these tables represent cumulative data on the number of unique individuals who have been determined eligible to enroll in a Marketplace plan through the SBMs and FFM, and have selected a plan (with or without the first premium payment having been received by the issuer). Special Enrollment Period (SEP) activity includes plan selections that were made between 4-1-14 and 4-19-14 by those who qualified for an SEP because they were “in line” on 3-31-14, as well as those who experienced a qualifying life event or a complex situation related to applying for coverage in the Marketplace. For additional methodological information, please refer to Appendix F of the Marketplace Summary Enrollment Report.
(2) For each metric, the data represent the total number of Individuals Determined Eligible to Enroll in a plan Through the Marketplace who have selected a plan (with or without the first premium payment having been received directly by the Marketplace or the issuer) during the reference period, excluding plan selections with unknown data for a given metric. This is also known as pre-effectuated enrollment.
(3) In some cases, the data for certain characteristics of Marketplace plan selections are not yet available. For this reason, for each metric, we have calculated the comparable percentages based on the number of plan selections