Why Are Nearly 40 Million American Adults Not Using the Internet?

For most of use, the Internet is inescapable. We use the Web for everything from paying bills and writing emails to signing up for health insurance and watching our favorite shows.
However, a surprisingly large number of adults in the U.S. have resisted the siren call of the digital life. According to new data from Pew Research, 15% of the adult U.S. population is not online.
Who makes up this group of Internet naysayers? Here are some highlights:
- Unsurprisingly, adults aged 65 and older make up the largest single age group (39 percent) most likely to say they never go online.
- The higher the level of educational achievement, the greater the likelihood of Internet usage. For adults with less than a high school education, a third do not use the Internet.
- Household income is also a significant factor. Adults in the most affluent households are eight times more likely to use the Internet than adults in households with an income of less than $30,000 per year. Nineteen percent of the non-users cite the high expense of Internet service or owning a computer.
- Americans living in rural areas are twice as likely as individuals in urban or suburban regions to not use the Internet.
- As for race and ethnicity, 20 percent of blacks and 18 percent of Hispanics do not use the Internet, compared with 14 percent of whites and 5 percent of English-speaking Asian-Americans.
- While 34 percent of people who do not use the Internet choose not to, for others it’s not a choice, according to an earlier Pew report.
- Thirty-two percent say the Internet is too complicated or difficult to use.
Map of the Day: Navigating the IRS

The Taxpayer Advocate Service – an independent organization within the IRS whose roughly 1,800 employees both assist taxpayers in resolving problems with the tax collection agency and recommend changes aimed at improving the system – released a “subway map” that shows the “the stages of a taxpayer’s journey.” The colorful diagram includes the steps a typical taxpayer takes to prepare and file their tax forms, as well as the many “stations” a tax return can pass through, including processing, audits, appeals and litigation. Not surprisingly, the map is quite complicated. Click here to review a larger version on the taxpayer advocate’s site.
A Surprise Government Spending Slowdown

Economists expected federal spending to boost growth in 2019, but some of the fiscal stimulus provided by the 2018 budget deal has failed to show up this year, according to Kate Davidson of The Wall Street Journal.
Defense spending has come in as expected, but nondefense spending has lagged, and it’s unlikely to catch up to projections even if it accelerates in the coming months. Lower spending on disaster relief, the government shutdown earlier this year, and federal agencies spending less than they have been given by Congress all appear to be playing a role in the spending slowdown, Davidson said.
Number of the Day: $203,500

The Wall Street Journal’s Catherine Lucey reports that acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney is making a bit more than his predecessors: “The latest annual report to Congress on White House personnel shows that President Trump’s third chief of staff is getting an annual salary of $203,500, compared with Reince Priebus and John Kelly, each of whom earned $179,700.” The difference is the result of Mulvaney still technically occupying the role of director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, where his salary level is set by law.
The White House told the Journal that if Mulvaney is made permanent chief of staff his salary would be adjusted to the current salary for an assistant to the president, $183,000.
The Census Affects Nearly $1 Trillion in Spending

The 2020 census faces possible delay as the Supreme Court sorts out the legality of a controversial citizenship question added by the Trump administration. Tracy Gordon of the Tax Policy Center notes that in addition to the basic issue of political representation, the decennial population count affects roughly $900 billion in federal spending, ranging from Medicaid assistance funds to Section 8 housing vouchers. Here’s a look at the top 10 programs affected by the census:
Chart of the Day: Offshore Profits Continue to Rise

Brad Setser, a former U.S. Treasury economist now with the Council on Foreign Relations, added another detail to his assessment of the foreign provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: “A bit more evidence that Trump's tax reform didn't change incentives to offshore profits: the enormous profits that U.S. firms report in low tax jurisdictions continues to rise,” Setser wrote. “In fact, there was a bit of a jump up over the course of 2018.”