On April 27, the International Monetary Fund published a working paper which examined whether international capital flows aid growth or inhibit it.
On April 15, the Asian Development Bank published a working paper on the cause of China’s large trade surplus. Contrary to previous research, it finds the roots not in its saving rate or exchange rate policy, but in cost distortions in China’s domestic market.
On April 13, the IMF published the latest edition of it Global Financial Stability Report.
On April 12, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis published a study which concluded that a rise in the exchange value of the Chinese currency would do little to redress the U.S.-China trade imbalance.
In an April 11 commentary, Johns Hopkins economist Max Corden blamed the financial industry for international imbalances. It channeled too much of excess world saving into the United States and not enough into developing economies.
On April 11, the IMF published the latest edition of its World Economic Outlook.
On April 6, The Economist magazine posted a survey of support for the free market in various countries. Germany ranked first followed by Brazil, China, Italy and the U.S. Additional data here.
On April 5, the IMF published a staff discussion note on managing capital inflows.
On March 21, the Federal Reserve Board published a working paper which found that the rate of return on investments abroad by Americans tend to be unusually profitable.
On March 2, the Congressional Research Service published a report on the linkages between the price of oil and the exchange rate of the dollar.
I last posted items on this topic on March 16.
Bruce Bartlett is an American historian and columnist who focuses on the intersection between politics and economics. He blogs daily and writes a weekly column at The Fiscal Times. Bartlett has written for Forbes Magazine and Creators Syndicate, and his work is informed by many years in government, including as a senior policy analyst in the Reagan White House. He is the author of seven books including the New York Times best-seller, Imposter: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy (Doubleday, 2006).