  • India's Economy: On the Cusp of Big Change


    India is finally embracing mechanization after centuries of farming with methods the U.S. threw out with the British. Interviews with farmers, economists, tractor salesmen and agricultural officials...

  • Connected Economies Face European Risks

    By Richard-Hubbard, Reuters

    The prospect of political risks joining economic and debt problems on the euro zone's list of worries, just as the outlook for global growth becomes uncertain, will keep investors focused firmly on...

  • Romney Pushes Obama to Take Hard Line on China

    By Merrill Goozner, The Fiscal Times

    Election-year moves by the Obama administration to protect itself against charges it is soft on China may undermine efforts to win economic reforms ahead of a change in Chinese Communist Party...

  • Three Reasons for the Coming Global Disruption

    By Richard N. Haass, Project Syndicate

    A surprising number of elections and political transitions is scheduled to occur over the coming months. An incomplete list includes Russia, China, France, the United States, Egypt, Mexico, and South...

  • Chinese Firm Aids North Korea

    By Matt Spetalnick, Reuters

    The United States believes a Chinese firm sold North Korea components for a missile transporter showcased in a recent military parade and will press Beijing to tighten enforcement of a U.N. ban on...