  • Two Financial Scenarios from Gloom to Zoom

    By Suzanne McGee, The Fiscal Times

    Do you feel lucky this year? If so, you might want to bet on the optimistic side of the theoretical coin toss that the strategy team at BlackRock Investment Institute proposed in their investment...

  • Pecan Pie

    China Goes Nuts Over Pecans

    By Lourdes Medrano, The Fiscal Times

    Although a recent drought in key pecan-producing states affected some of the U.S. harvest, growers attribute rising prices to China’s hankering for the nut.

  • China and Africa Develop a Close Economic Union

    By ERIC PLATT, The Business Insider

    Over the past decade, African exports have boomed: total volume tripled to more than $330 billion. This is according to a new report published by Fitch. That growth, predicated largely on an ever-...

  • Building a Global Portfolio Takes More Than BRICs

    By Suzanne McGee, The Fiscal Times

    Investors recently marked the tenth anniversary of the birth of the first big acronym in the world of emerging market investments. BRIC – standing for Brazil-Russia-India-China – was the brainchild...

  • Trade War? China Importa Tax on US Autos

    By ELAINE KURTENBACH, Associated Press

    China has imposed duties on imports of some U.S.-made vehicles, claiming damage from foreign automakers due to dumping and subsidies in the latest round of trade friction between the two countries...