Emerging Markets
  • Islands

    Buy Your Own Island: 6 Tips for Posh Purchases

    By Lou Carlozo, Reuters

    You may not have the $500-$600 million it probably cost the Oracle CEO, one of the world's richest men, to buy Hawaii's sixth-largest island, Lanai, recently. But call a friendly island broker and...

  • High Court Can’t Stop Some Key Health Care Reforms

    By Merrill Goozner, The Fiscal Times

    Changes underway in the ways that Medicaid and insurers pay for care and how physicians and hospitals deliver care will not be derailed by a Supreme Court decision striking down all or part of the...

  • Merkel, on Summit Eve, Stays Tough on Joint Liability

    By Noah Barkin and JULIEN TOYER, Reuters

    On the eve of a crucial summit that could determine the future of the euro zone, German Chancellor Angela Merkel brushed aside increasingly shrill calls from Spain and Italy on Wednesday for...

  • Searching the Globe for Pockets of Economic Growth

    By Suzanne McGee, The Fiscal Times

    Where’s the growth? With economic troubles roiling much of Europe, dampening the U.S. recovery and extending into the emerging world, is there anyplace on the map where GDP projections haven’t taken...

  • 34 Lawmakers Acted on Privileged Information in 2008

    By Kimberly Kindy Scott Higham David S Fallis Dan Keating, The Washington Post

    Thirty-four members of Congress took steps to recast their financial portfolios during the financial crisis after phone calls or meetings with Paulson; his successor, Timothy F. Geithner; or Federal...