Emerging Markets
  • Want World Peace? Try Super-Smart Farming

    By Merrill Goozner, The Fiscal Times

    A lot depends on the world’s ability to expand agricultural production over the next 30 years. As the grain price spikes and resulting food riots of 2008 and 2010 attest, nothing less than...

  • Eurozone Crisis Has Investors Heading for the Grexit

    If you were writing the story about the financial crisis and the euro crisis as a work of fiction, your editor would say you've jumped the shark. Who would believe that after signing a $43 billion...

  • U.S. Educated Immigrants Return to their Homelands

    By Michelle Hirsch, The Fiscal Times

    A weak U.S. economy and strong opportunities in emerging economies like India and China are leading a growing wave of highly-educated Americans and foreign nationals educated in the U.S. to relocate...

  • India's Economy: On the Cusp of Big Change


    India is finally embracing mechanization after centuries of farming with methods the U.S. threw out with the British. Interviews with farmers, economists, tractor salesmen and agricultural officials...

  • Connected Economies Face European Risks

    By Richard-Hubbard, Reuters

    The prospect of political risks joining economic and debt problems on the euro zone's list of worries, just as the outlook for global growth becomes uncertain, will keep investors focused firmly on...