Housing Crisis
  • Fed's Fisher Warns of U.S. Housing Bubble Signs


    A top Federal Reserve official said on Thursday he is seeing fresh signs of a U.S. "housing bubble" and warned about the central bank's ongoing purchases of mortgage-based bonds. "I'm beginning to...

  • Dimon Can’t Avoid $380M Third-Quarter Loss

    By DAVID HENRY, Reuters

    JPMorgan Chase & Co on Friday posted its first quarterly loss under Chairman and Chief Executive Jamie Dimon as a tangle of legal and regulatory probes cost the biggest U.S. bank $7.2 billion...

  • Divorce 101: Dividing the House

    By Geoff Williams, Reuters

    What happens to the marital home in divorce? It's one of the top concerns of divorcing couples, after worries about the impact of the split on kids and finances. Here are some tips to help you answer...

  • World Markets Ride Higher on “Summers’ Breeze”

    There’s a lot of uncertainty floating around global stock indexes this week. German elections are set for next Sunday, and neither Angela Merkel nor her opponent, former German finance minister Peer...

  • 5 Years After the Crisis: Blame Washington or Wall Street?

    By Suzanne McGee, The Fiscal Times

    As all the postmortems take place around the fifth anniversary of the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, one of the most significant questions boils down to whether it was the financial institutions that...