Housing Crisis
  • Cliff Stalemate Takes a Huge Toll on Manufacturing

    By Edward Krudy, Reuters

    Manufacturing unexpectedly contracted in November to its lowest level in more than three years, as companies worried about whether lawmakers in Washington could reach a budget deal in time avert a...

  • Cash-Strapped in Sandy or Other Crisis: What to Do

    By Reuters

    Many Sandy homeowners are finding themselves cash strapped in this financial no-man's land: The bills are here now, but the money from insurance settlements and FEMA hasn't shown up yet, and they don...

  • The Myth of Being ‘Rich’ at $250,000 a Year

    By Linda Stern, Reuters

    Cost of living disparities are in focus now, and not just in the national tax debate. It's a big deal for families from expensive places when they apply for college financial aid. People who make,...

  • The New Housing Database That Could Invade Your Privacy

    By Steve Yoder, The Fiscal Times

    A new public government mortgage database looks to better monitor the mortgage industry and prevent the next housing crash – but it needs consumers’ personal financial information to do so.

  • How Big Banks Can Spread Bigger Financial Ills

    By Futurity Org, Futurity-Org

    Multinational banks shape the financial environment to an extent that far outweighs their small number. And like a contagious person on a transnational flight, when these giant, interconnected banks...