Housing Crisis
  • U.S. Cities: The Secret Engine of the Global Economy

    The 21st century has been called the century of cities, and a new report from the McKinsey Global Institute shows just how crucial a role U.S. cities will play in driving global economic growth over...

  • Young Adults Hit Hardest by Rough Economy

    By Reuters

    Annabel Adams has seen a lot in her life: 9-11, the dot-com bust, the housing collapse, the financial crisis, the Great Recession. That may sound like a lifetime of experience, but she is just 28...

  • Home Prices Near Bottom

    By Lucia Mutikani, Reuters

    The relentless decline in home prices is nearing an end and prices should rise for the first time in seven years in 2013, but a possible new wave of foreclosures could threaten the recovery,...

  • Office Space: The Incredible Shrinking Workplace

    By Steve Yoder, The Fiscal Times

    As companies look to cut costs while boosting output, they’re reorganizing employees into open—and often tight—working quarters.

  • Why Now Is a Good Time to Buy a House

    Although the economic recovery remains sluggish and some fear rising interest rates, there are growing signs that this a good time to buy a house, according to a new study.