Housing Crisis
  • Paying for the Payroll Tax Cut: Higher Housing Fees?

    By Jennifer Depaul, The Fiscal Times

    In an attempt to offset the costs of extending the payroll tax cut, both parties have proposed to raise GSE guarantee fees for a savings of $38 billion. The proposal has real estate industry groups...

  • Coakley Lawsuit Could Set Back Housing Recovery

    Martha Coakley is staging a one-woman crusade to squelch the housing recovery. Who’s Martha Coakley, you ask? She is the Massachusetts Attorney General who famously allowed Republican Scott Brown to...

  • The Angriest Democrat in Congress Attacks Obama

    By Jennifer Depaul, The Fiscal Times

    Democratic Rep. Dennis Cardoza represents the area worst hit by the housing foreclosure crisis and says that he is angry – really angry – that President Obama hasn’t done more to address the huge...

  • Fannie, Freddie Cost U.S. Billions: Report


    A government watchdog said Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac improperly foreclosed on homeowners and cost the government billions of dollars by not holding major banks to strict underwriting requirements.

  • Home Prices Down in Most Major US Cities


    U.S. home prices are falling again in most major cities after posting small gains over the summer and spring, the latest evidence that the troubled housing market won't recover any time soon. The...