  • 3 Reasons to Stick with Your International Investments

    If you’ve had a portion of your portfolio invested in international markets, you have probably enjoyed a nice ride for the first half of this year, even after adjusting for the currency effects of...

  • How Much Does Your Spouse Make? Many Don’t Know

    Do you know how much money your spouse or partner makes? According to the 2015 Fidelity Investments Couples Retirement Study, about four in 10 couples cannot answer this question correctly, and one...

  • Three Big Ways Retirement Has Changed

    By Ray Ferrara, AdviceIQ

    Retirement is not what it once was. Inheritance is no longer a sure thing to fund your golden years. Paying off a mortgage, once a rite of passage for retirees, makes less sense today. And forget the...

  • Behind on Retirement? Here's How to Catch Up

    By Nicholas Pell, MainStreet

    It's hard to believe, but according to a recent report by Forbes , 68% of Americans aren't saving for retirement in an employee-sponsored plan. What's more 69% of Americans under the age of 30 and a...

  • Gen X-ers Are Behind in Retirement Savings

    By Hal Bundrick, MainStreet

    They were “latch-key kids,” then MTV teens and now mid-career workers with kids of their own. Gen X, the leading edge of which will turn 50 next year, with the youngest hitting 35, are facing the...