Red Fire Ants
These creatures are particularly aggressive – they are known to attack people, plants, and animals and damage homes, buildings, and other infrastructures. Colonies of ants are protective of their mounds and when disturbed, workers leave the ground and sting the intruder. The number of worker ants in one colony can reach up to 500,000 and are usually active from the spring until the fall. Every sting feels like fire and could be dangerous if you develop an allergic reaction or if the pustule becomes infected.
The best way to protect oneself from the sting of fire ants is by wearing high socks, rather than insect repellent. The higher the socks, the more time an individual has to brush the ants off oneself before being stung. Insect repellents do not discourage fire ants. In addition, spraying pesticides or using ant baits in small yard of families with young children could be helpful.