Debt Ceiling
  • How Congress Became an Incompetent Bureaucracy

    By Bruce Bartlett, The Fiscal Times

    In recent years, ideology, especially right-wing ideology, has been the dominant factor in congressional elections. But historically this has not been the case. Voters mostly looked for simple...

  • The Real Brains behind the Shutdown Deal: Women

    While Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are getting much of the credit for forging the deal to end the government shutdown and avoid a first ever default of U.S...

  • Four Lessons from the GOP Shutdown Wars

    After weeks of extended brinksmanship over the debt ceiling and Obamacare and fifteen days of partial government shutdown, the smoke may be clearing. Congress appears ready to pass a bipartisan bill...

  • 8 Sweeteners That Sealed the Shutdown Deal

    By Brianna Ehley, The Fiscal Times

    Whenever Congress takes up major legislation, lawmakers just can’t resist tossing in scores of extra ‘sweeteners’ to help their states or allies. That was certainly the case Wednesday night, when the...

  • Sequester: The Next Big Battle for Congress

    By Josh Boak, The Fiscal Times

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) explained his major budget goal on Wednesday: Continue to cut government spending. In announcing a bipartisan deal to reopen the government and raise the...