Debt Ceiling
  • Obama to Focus on Jobs in State of the Union

    By Scott Wilson, The Washington Post

    President Obama will concentrate his State of the Union speech Tuesday on the economy, shifting the emphasis away from the broad social agenda of his second inaugural address to refocus attention on...

  • Deadline on Spending Cuts Could Test Market Gains

    By Leah Schnurr, Reuters

    The stock market is no stranger to strong performances in January, only to see the lofty gains early in the year transition into months of grinding action that goes nowhere. Markets are up this year...

  • How the Sequester Will Affect Consumers and Business

    As President Obama and Republican congressional leaders clash this week over whether to allow an $85 billion of across the board cuts in defense and domestic spending to take hold beginning March 1,...

  • Sequestration: What in the World Is It?

    By Maureen Mackey, The Fiscal Times

    What in the world is sequestration, which is set to kick in on March 1 of this year? The Fiscal Times explains the enforced budget mechanism that involves across-the-board cuts to both defense and...

  • Interior Department Prepares Staff for Budget Cuts

    By The Fiscal Times Staff

    The Fiscal Times has obtained a copy of an Interior Department memorandum to all workers highlighting the likely impact and consequences if sequestration takes hold next month. The memo, from the...