Budget Battles
Republicans Want Strings Attached to California Disaster Aid
Biden Goes Out With a Bang in the Jobs Market
Trump Privately Pushes Senators for ‘One Big, Beautiful Bill’
Trump Considers Declaring National Emergency for Tariff Rollout
Trump Unloads: Grievances, Greenland and the Gulf of Mexico
Republicans Divided Over How to Pass Trump’s Agenda
Trump Pushes Johnson to Victory as Speaker
The Fight Over the 2020 Census Could Determine Which Party Controls Congress
By Jay L. Zagorsky, The ConversationJohn H. Thompson, the director of the U.S. Census Bureau, just resigned amid a funding fight over the 2020 Census . Since it comes at the same time that the president fired the director of the FBI ,...
The GOP Health Care Plan Gives Democratic Fundraising a Big Boost
By Maxwell Tani, Business InsiderFollowing the passage of the American Healthcare Act on Thursday, Democrats expressed outrage at House Republicans — online, in person, and at the bank. In a joint statement released Friday,...
If Ossoff Wins Big in Georgia, Democrats Could Sweep the 2018 Midterms
By Eric PianinRepublicans are desperately trying to hang onto a Georgia House seat up for grabs in Tuesday’s special election to dampen Democrats’ prospects for establishing a beachhead before the 2018...
Seven Tests That Can Keep Republicans from Screwing Up
It didn’t take long for Republicans to make their first tin-eared mistake after winning a broad victory in November. In fact, they had barely opened the new session of Congress before performing a...
This Is Exactly Why Paul Ryan Didn't Want to Be Speaker of the House
By Rob GarverPaul Ryan never wanted to be speaker of the House, and Wednesday was a perfect example of why. The guy who made his reputation as the Republicans’ wonk-in-chief as chairman of the Budget Committee...
The End of Antibiotics? Drug-Resistant Superbug Reaches the US
By LENA H. SUN and Brady Dennis, The Washington PostFor the first time, researchers have found a person in the United States carrying bacteria resistant to antibiotics of last resort, an alarming development that the top U.S. public health official...
As the Debt Hits $19 Trillion, Has the US Reached a Tipping Point?
By Rob Garver and Eric PianinFor several years, the growing federal debt was ignored as the economic recovery chipped away at once massive spending shortfalls of $1 trillion or more. Now, there’s an uneasy feeling among many...
How to Stem the Feds’ Spending Addiction Before It Cripples Our Economy
By Charles BlahousAt a time when the presidential campaigns seem to be about everything other than the federal budget, the latest projections from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) serve as a stark reminder that...
Tea Party Revolts Against Obama’s Budget as Debt Exceeds $19 Trillion
By Eric PianinIn what appears to be an extraordinary snub of White House budget director Shaun Donovan, the Republican chairs of the House and Senate Budget Committees announced on Thursday they would not host...
House Report Says Treasury Secretary Misled Congress Over Debt Ceiling Risks
By Eric PianinDuring an October 2013 appearance before the Senate Finance Committee, Lew warned Congress against a “manufactured crisis” over the debt ceiling in Washington. He added that prioritization was “...
Christie’s Crisis Paves the Way for Walker in 2016
By Maureen Mackey, The Fiscal TimesAs Chris Christie gets tangled in the cables over “Bridgegate,” another GOP governor’s star is rising. Scott Walker of Wisconsin has the pedigree of a fiscal conservative , someone capable of...
SOTU Preview: A Few Key Excerpts
By Eric PianinPresident Obama will pledge to wage an all-out effort to provide economic relief and incentives to middle-class Americans in his fifth State of the Union message scheduled for delivery Tuesday night...
Voters Give a Thumbs-Down to Their Own Lawmakers
By Eric PianinIn another sign of public outrage over a dysfunctional and politically divided Congress, a record low percentage of registered voters now say their own House member deserves another chance while even...
Top Problem for Americans Now—The U.S. Government
By Brianna Ehley, The Fiscal TimesMove over, economy. The American public has a bigger problem—and that problem is largely based in Washington. Following a year of low approval ratings for members of Congress and the President, it’s...
What Liz Cheney's Flameout Says About the 2014 Midterm Elections
By Peter Weber, TheWeek.comCheney dropping out of the race so soon is important in at least one way: A handful of big Republican donors just threw away money that could have gone toward other races.