Paul Ryan
  • Candidates in Dead Heat As GOP Convention Begins

    As former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney prepares to accept the GOP presidential nomination in Tampa this week, he is locked in a virtual tie with President Obama in a hard-fought campaign for...

  • Armstrong and the Death of American Exceptionalism

    By Craig Shirley, The Fiscal Times

    Op-Ed: To Americans in 1969, Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 astronauts were the ultimate expression of American exceptionalism – though we just called them “heroes.” Back then, America was still a...

  • GOP Convention Delegates: Pro Romney or Anti Obama?

    By Josh Boak and Eric Pianin and Brianna Ehley, The Fiscal Times

    Republicans gather in Tampa this week to nominate Mitt Romney for president after a bruising primary and for their first national convention since the Tea Party emerged as a powerful political force.

  • Has Romney Changed His Tax and Deficit Cutting Plan?

    By Henry Blodget, The Business Insider

    Mitt Romney has been remarkably successful in not committing himself to specific policy proposals that might offend certain voters, especially with respect to the economy. As a result, until now, he...

  • Mitt Romney's Unrelenting Road to Tampa

    By Karen Tumulty, The Washington Post

    As the presumptive GOP nominee in 2012, Mitt Romney fits more in the category of those who, with more mixed success, have run as true standard-bearers. Think Walter Mondale in 1984, George H.W. Bush...