If you haven’t crossed every name off your holiday shopping list yet, you’re not alone. Nearly a quarter of shoppers don’t expect to have purchased all their gifts by now, despite the fact that Christmas is less than 48 hours away, according to the National Retail Federation.
Related: The 20 Hottest Toys for the 2016 Holiday Season
Despite the looming deadline, there’s no reason to panic. There are still plenty of ways to ensure that there will be enough presents under the tree. Keep these three tips in mind:
1. Go for in-store pickup. While it’s too late in most cases to order items online and have them shipped to you in time for Christmas, you can still take advantage of online shopping. Look for retailers that offer in-store pickup, such as Nordstrom or Kohl’s, and select that option at checkout. You’ll still need to make a trip to the store, but you won’t have to waste time searching the aisles for a specific item.
2. Grab some gift cards. Once frowned upon as impersonal, gift cards have become one of the most popular — and requested — gift of the holiday season. They’re particularly good for procrastinators, given their ubiquity and ease of purchase. Many drugstores and supermarkets have racks of gift cards in various amounts near the register, and you can purchase gift cards from retailers online without even leaving your home.
3. Make a list. In the frenzy to finish up your holiday shopping, it’s easy to overlook an important purchase, or to get tempted by a big discount on an item that you don’t need. Using a list will help you remain focused and help prevent over-spending.