Simpsons Marathon: The 15 Episodes You Should Watch This Weekend

Simpsons Marathon: The 15 Episodes You Should Watch This Weekend

The Fiscal Times Staff  // 

Boy Scouts In The Hood (8/23 6:00 AM)

Why You Should Watch - One of the wonderful tropes that the show developed over the years was to have First Acts that were elaborate Rube Goldberg machines designed to get to the plot through the most convoluted manner possible.  This is probably the best, as Bart’s discovery of a twenty dollar bill leads to a squishy bender, which leads him to enlist in the boy scouts.  The rest of the episode is good, but that set up is amazing. 

Classic Moment – The “Springfield, Springfield” musical number, culminating in the floating, maniacally laughing, disembodied head of Apu.
