Debt Ceiling
  • Republicans and the “Lofgren Corollary”

    By Bruce Bartlett, The Fiscal Times

    Last week I explained that Congress has become an incompetent institution , unable to do its most basic work of passing annual appropriations bills to keep the government running. We usually think of...

  • Three Budget Games at the $3.6 Trillion Table

    By Josh Boak, The Fiscal Times

    Federal spending should exceed $3.6 trillion next year—and Democrats and Repu blicans are ready for a budget fight that will likely go down to the penny. Congress is returning after having voted last...

  • House GOP Suffers Epic Collapse in Public Support

    By Josh Boak, The Fiscal Times

    CNN released a new poll on Monday with terrible news for the GOP—54 percent of Americans think it’s “bad for the country” that Republicans control the House of Representatives. Only 38 percent...

  • GOP on the Losing End of 4 Fiscal Crises

    By DAVID A. FAHRENTHOLD, The Washington Post

    There was so much more they wanted to do. Three years ago, Republicans retook the House with a fire-eating confidence and an ambitious plan to remake the U.S. government. They wanted to cut spending...

  • How the Government Shutdown Shook Up the U.S. Economy

    By Brianna Ehley, The Fiscal Times

    Though Congress finally put an end to the 16-day government shutdown late Wednesday night, economists say the standoff has drained billions of dollars from the U.S. economy, with effects extending...